
Our Early Years

Originally established as the “Islamic Relief Mission of Nigeria,” the organization officially took its first steps in 2018. However, as the foundation evolved and expanded its scope of work, the name was later changed in 2019 to “Ummah Relief Charity Foundation.” This adjustment reflected our commitment to providing relief and support to the Muslim Ummah in Nigeria, aligning with our mission to serve those in need.

Our Inception

The journey of Al-Huffaadh Charity Foundation began in 2018 with a noble initiative to support the less privileged Muslim Ummah in Nigeria, particularly during the sacred months of Ramadan and Eidul-Adha. The idea was born out of a deep sense of responsibility and compassion for those facing challenges in meeting their basic needs. With the grace of Allah, the foundation received its initial spark through a generous donation from some generous Muslims in Malaysia, who became the first supporters of this noble cause.

Official Registration as Al-Huffaadh Charity Foundation

Alhamdulillah, with the support of Muslims worldwide, the journey continued to progress, and in acknowledgment of our dedication and growing impact, we officially registered as Al-Huffaadh Charity Foundation under the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria. This milestone solidified our commitment to the principles of charity, compassion, and community service in the name of Allah.

Our Journey

Over the past six years, our tireless journey has witnessed both significant accomplishments and formidable challenges. Through the support of kind-hearted individuals and the Muslim community globally, we have been able to extend helping hands to the underprivileged Muslims in Nigeria. However, the challenges persist, primarily due to financial constraints that limit our ability to reach as many deserving individuals as we aspire to assist.


Al-Huffaadh Charity Foundation remains dedicated to its mission of providing relief, support, and hope to those in need. We extend our gratitude to all those who have supported us thus far and invite others to join hands in this benevolent journey. Together, let us make a positive impact in the lives of the less privileged and continue this work of Allah for the betterment of our community and humanity at large.

A Plea for Support

As we continue this noble work in the path of Allah, we humbly seek the support of well-wishers, philanthropists, and compassionate individuals. Your contributions will enable us to overcome financial constraints and extend our reach, ensuring that the underprivileged members of our Muslim Ummah receive the assistance they need.

See Our Work