Terms And Conditions

At Al-Huffaadh International Academy, we would be delighted to welcome your child(ren) into our community. We have established specific policies and conditions to ensure your child fully benefits from our programs. We encourage all parents/guardians to carefully review these policies and the terms and conditions governing admission to our Academy and your child’s ongoing enrollment.

1. After successfully submitting the application and completing the interview, you will need to decide whether your child will continue with classes at Al-Huffaadh International Academy (AiA).

2. If you choose to continue your child’s enrollment, please ensure timely payment of fees. Monthly fees are due in advance during the first ten days of each month, while semester fees are due in the first ten days of the semester. Failure to pay fees by the due date may result in the suspension of classes.

3. Al-Huffaadh International Academy reserves the right to suspend classes if payment is overdue by more than 10 days from the start of the month or semester, without any acceptable excuse.

4. Please note that if your first payment is made on any day during the month (except the first day), the remaining classes for that month will be scheduled accordingly. Starting from the following month and every subsequent month, you will attend the required number of classes according to your chosen study plan. (Applicable for regular one-on-one courses only)

5. If you need to pause classes but plan to resume with the same slot, teacher, and time, Al-Huffaadh reserves the right to charge the full fee to reserve the slot for you with the same teacher. (Applicable for regular one-on-one courses only)

6.Please be aware that teachers will notify you of any cancellation of extra classes that exceed the number included in your chosen study plan. For example, if your plan includes 4 classes per month on Saturdays and there happen to be 5 Saturdays in a month, the 5th class will be canceled. Since your payment is based on an hourly rate, the extra classes were not accounted for in the payment. (Applicable for regular one-on-one courses only)

7. Any absence is considered paid and cannot be made up. This applies even if you maintain the same schedule and teacher, as we are unable to allocate that time to other students. There will be no make-up classes for such absences, except in cases of sudden illness or death in the family, with appropriate documentation provided.

8. Students are expected to maintain good ethics and morals with their teachers at all times. Any form of insult directed at teachers, staff, or a member of Al-Huffaadh community is considered an inexcusable offense. Students found guilty of such behavior will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

9. The Academy reserves the right to request the withdrawal of a student from the program at any time, at the discretion of the Head of the Academy. Reasons for withdrawal may include but are not limited to, the student’s inability to participate in or benefit fully from the Academy’s curriculum, or a breach by the parent or student of any matters not explicitly mentioned here. The Academy’s decision in such matters is final.

10.To cancel a class for any acceptable reason mentioned above, you must inform your teacher through the designated means of communication and send an email to admin@alhuffaadh.com at least 6 hours in advance to be eligible for a makeup class. (Applicable for regular one-on-one courses only)